Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September the First

It is September the first today.

It seems like summer is slowly winding down; the days are getting a bit cooler, and at night we don't have to have the fan on anymore.
I'm not as worried about the baby buns overheating during the day, Boudica hasn't even had a frozen milk jug for the last couple of days!

Today I am going to start organizing clothes. Summer, fall, winter. Lounge vs. work. Almost all of my clothes would fit into the "lounge" category, because up until now I have only had to worry about bathing suits and wetsuits for work clothes.
No hair, makeup, perfume or whatever to put on at the beginning of the day.
Just get up and go... for the past 3 years.

I am job searching and it has not been easy. I've put in applications as serveral retailers now, and will probably print off a bunch of resumes today to hand out tomorrow to restaurants.

I am still going slow because of my broken toe/foot. It is very sore but what can you do?

I need an ideas book for the fall. Perhaps I shall make one of those today, as well. That would be a great creative outlet, and I haven't had one in awhile.

Also need to figure out which kind of work clothes I would need. IPES!

Happy September. We still have to hang on to summer...

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