Saturday, January 30, 2010
Still need to do laundry,
still need to clean up all the clothes that are dumped at the condo...
My little sister is coming to town!
I still need to put on some clothes and my face before Jess gets here.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
cameron rose shoppe
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
an Aldo post - how long have I wanted an extremely bright coloured bag? I wonder how large this one is...
Satudays with Jess
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What's In Your Bag?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Last Night - Bunny Bonding
Phew, successful bunny bonding!
This morning I noticed that all of P's poos were in his litterbox for once. I didn't see any outside (I cleaned it last night) of his designated litterbox. YIPEE! This is surely a good sign of bonding, as well!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
so tired. did quite a lot of lengths (just kicking) yesterday. feel the burn.
hope everyone has a great day!
also, Snatch Fest #2 was a great success last night.
went to whitespot then fourbucks.
twas a lovely evening of bitching and laughs.
hopefully we will have a dinner party soon or make cupcakes.
i miss having friend photos!
P, B and me
I secretly like the fact that Boudica is jealous of Perseus.
She bonded with me on the very first night we got her, and Perseus still isn't that keen on me even though we've had him since end of August (he is much more of a Daddy's boy).
Every morning Boudica comes out to cuddle with me on the bed. Or I chase her around and she binks and shakes her head. This morning I was rubbing her back and nose and she was teeth purring.
Perseus would never let me do that! Though I hope someday soon he will.
And then when I go into the bedroom to see him, Dica RACES in and skitters around my feet demanding pets before I give him any. It's so funny and so cute.
I love my babies.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Today is my nice easy day at the pool.
12-12:45 I do inventory, then 12:45-1:15 I'm teaching school lessons.
Break until 3, then I'm teaching till 5.
This morning Ni left at 7:30 (like usual) and he'll be back at 10 tonight. I got to see him for a bit last night because we didn't go to bed until 11:30. I had the buns out in their room together which was good but Boudica kept biting Perseus' bum. Poor little peanut.
This morning she was doing the Bunny 500... where she starts on my bed and races around my house, ends on the bed. Repeat. Times like 20. It's SO funny to watch and she's so proud of herself. I love that she's been hanging out with me on the bed. We used to hang out on the couch but she actually cuddles on the bed. Such a sweetheart. I cannot believe she is like this. Never ever thought a bunny could be.
Not much on the go today so I shall snoop the internets!
xxoo, baby bunny kisses
Monday, January 18, 2010
clouds in the, sunshine on the ground
In the hall (in our apartment building) they are hauling around these big long tubes that look like pool vacuums but I think are regular vacuums. It was super windy and rainy last night, I'm hoping no roofs are leaking?
Today I start work at 2:30 and need to pick up the last of the laundry, take the trash out and...?
I did a super good cleaning of the house yesterday so it looks great! Even the buns room :)
Perhaps a shower and some internet wish shopping. Jess got herself a new bag so now I'm really itching for one. But I'm too damn picky so probably will not have any luck for awhile. I wish there was a machine you could plug yourself into and if you think it, like with detail stitchign and zippers and everything it would be yours.
Ooh, lookie! A rainbow! How lovely :) No, TWO rainbows! One is faint and blurry while the other one is vibrant. I just took a picture.
Today is going to be a good day.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
weekend update
Did not come home with anything except...
I was so excited to find it and it has not come off my finger except when I was sleeping last night and showering. It is so cute (will post picture later) and I love love love it.
Last night was allright. Made BLATs before heading to Emily's. Ni was being a jerk and not giving me a ride - he said I could walk. That's nice. In my 4.5 inch heels? I think not.
I ended up driving myself down there. Sarah and Diandra came a bit later, and a bunch of boys that Emily is friends with. We went to Social and left around 12:40? We walked to Plan B and got in for free because of our party passes... I just wanted to go home. I only had about 2 drinks so was not really in the mood for all the feet stomps and squishy/rude people.
As per my new resolution (go out more, less of a house mouse thing) I think I filled my quota for January (thank goodness).
This morning Niall has been a jerk. I'm very upset by his attitude... he guilts me when I go out and then the next morning is all grumpy. I understand he has a lot on his mind due to school but cheer the fuck up.
I'm going to clean the apartment while he sits there doing his homework.
Hope you guys have fantastic Sundays... it's actually sunny here!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Niall just left to go to school and Dica is out running around. I will do some bloghunting while she binks. Then it's laundry time and some grocery shopping.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday Friday Frid-yay
I was going to buy a party top for going out on Friday night but did not get a big a paycheck as I thought. I wonder where I can get a cheap party top? - Sirens, Costa Blanca would be two good options. They are rather slutty stores. Mysi is a little more expensive.
I've been looking at rings online for quite some time now. Really want another funky addition to go with my Club Monaco ring.,+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=399&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_ACC_JEWELRY_RINGS&popId=WOMENS_ACCESSORIES&prepushId= (love this one!!!)
Club Monaco ring, Aldo studs
Thursday, January 14, 2010
the clouds are moving pretty fast today

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
middle of the week
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
bon soir
super duper tired.
don't think N will be home till 10 tonight.
gives me lots of time to browse the internets!
still no $$ but paycheck on friday (yay),
which unfort. will be going towards rent and my car insurance. booo.
oh well. pretty pictures will take away those worries!